from scratch personal stories Recipes

Perfect pie crust and old school Nintendo.

I made a turkey pot pie from scratch yesterday and was pretty pleased with the pie crust recipe so I wanted to share it here on the blog.

I searched high and low for a good from scratch pot pie recipe and kept coming across the call for “crescent rolls” as the “pie crust”. To me from scratch is not buying premade crap and throwing it together guys. I mean what are people going to do if the store runs out of crescent rolls for any extended amount of time?

Anyway, I finally found a recipe I thought sounded good and boy was I right, it was great! I did modify it a bit because it was way to sticky and wet when made as directed. If you are interested here is the recipe.

Pie Crust Recipe

  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/3 cup butter
  • 1/4 cup lard
  • 1/3 cup water

Mix the flour and the salt in a large bowl. Add the butter or margarine and lard; mix with hands until crumb like texture is achieved. Mix in the water. Here, I came to the consensus that the dough was way to wet so I fixed it by adding in one tablespoon at a time of flour until it balled up in the mixer and looked like dough again. Then you pat it into a ball, and wrap in wax paper. Refrigerate for at least two hours.

Yesterday while the pie was a cooking we busted out the old school Nintendo that I got as a birthday present a few years back. I know it is ancient but I love it some much, common you know you do too! Oh, but I still do suck at it…

Other than Nintendo and pie crusts we are also worried about our first ice storm! Word is we are supposed to get a pretty bad one this whole week and we could be without power for a few days…Now what are you supposed to do to prepare for an ice storm? I have no freaking clue!

<p>A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.<br /> Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.</p>

0 thoughts on “Perfect pie crust and old school Nintendo.

  1. get lots of candles and flashlights & batteries. and a source of heat – I have a kerosene heater on stand by. also, I have a weather radio.

    The pie crust – I use iced water, then I can roll the dough as soon as I am done with it…. and touch the dough as little as possible with your warm hands. The colder the dough stays, the flakier it is. I roll the dough out between saran wrap, so that I don’t have to use any extra flour – I think that the dough gets tough when I use the extra flour. The saran is easy to use, I spray the table with water, lay two connectin sections of the saran, put my dough ball on it, then lay another matching two connected sections of saran. When the dough is the size that I want it, I peel off the top saran, pick up the dough using the bottom saran, then set it in the pan and peel off the other layer of saran. I think that my pie crusts are the best ๐Ÿ™‚

    Let us know how yours turned out?

    maiden53s last blog post..Free Soap, again

  2. Here’s hoping you have a gas stove and water heater. And an air card, for the fully-charged laptop! We use propane Coleman lanterns for light. They are more portable and less smoky than candles, plus they give off more heat.

    We’re pretty fortunate that even though we have an ice storm every two or three years and may be without electricity for several days (one year it was 9 days), we generally do not have to deal with freezing temperatures during the outage.

    Do you still have the motorhome? It has a generator, right? You can run an extension cord into your house from it and run lights and your fridge. Or you can move into the motorhome for a day or two – it’s a camp out!

    Donna B.s last blog post..Stolen From Dr. Isis

  3. Donna B. ยป Yeah we still have the trusty Winnebago we can use. The fridge runs of propane and our generator is in there too.

    Luckily we still have power and things aren’t too bad. We are forecasted for 1-3 inches tonight though ๐Ÿ™ Hope it is just snow!

  4. maiden53 ยป I thought it turned out really good. We did refrigerate it after mixing but only for an hour or so. It was all wrapped in wax paper so it didn’t get dry at all.

    Next time I want to add some garlic to the dough I thought it tasted a bit sweet for my taste.

  5. Nothing beats pie crust from scratch. I also use ice water so I can roll it right after.

    We just had an ice storm here in MA, but thankfully we didn’t lose any power. Definitely stock up on candles, matches, batteries, flash lights, blankets, firewood (if you have a fireplace), gas up your car, charge all cell phones, have a battery operated radio, and most importantly…stock up on water.

    Hope the storms takes a detour from you guys!

    Momisodess last blog post..Free Copy of Chicken Soup For The Soul- Giveaway

  6. I love making my own pie crust. My first thought in your recipe was that seemed like too much water. But good sounds like you handled it the right way by only adding a tablespoon at a time. You can lessen the butter amount and use more lard to make up for it if you want it less sweet. From scratch food is the best and honestly, I think you can actually save money by keeping more “stamples” in the house and be healthier because you don’t have all those crappy, unnecessary ingredients that mass production facilities add in there. I personally hate cutting in the fat, but it is worth it when that part is done. ๐Ÿ™‚

    For power outages – Momisodes said everything I would have. Ha – she is in MA too – no wonder. ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. teeni ยป Really the butter made it so sweet? Hm…

    Also you are right on about the savings to be had by making more from scratch. If more people did it they would also save a ton! Things like poultry broth, breads, pasta and dough can all be made cheaper and healthier if you are willing to loose the convenience of buying it ready made.

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