Moving out of state personal stories pictures say 1000 words

Killer allergies and some yard sale progress…

I am sitting outside writing this blog post as N continues to get his beauty rest. For the past few days we have been having some major allergy symptoms that are making daily activities difficult. This morning he was feeling much worse so he went looking for some dayquil in the medicine box.

Unfortunately all we had was NyQuil so he opted for some benadryl instead… That was at like 7am, he hasn’t been out of bed since…

So now I am writing a blog post in my mismatched clothes out of the porch, warming my bones (what it is chilly here in the mornings!)

Yesterday we made a ton of progress on the yard sale sorting! We have a giant pile of stuff outside and a second giant pile of stuff inside the house. We also went over to the storage unit and went through everything there. We brought home all the stuff we needed to get rid of.

This massive sorting process has shown us that we have way to many dvds, vhs tapes and cds for our own good. We literally have like 4 large boxes of them that we lug from home to home without ever opening them. What a waste huh?

So, we are feeling good about all the crap we have to get rid of. It is all pointless crap that we never use anyway… We are excited about selling it now, hopefully people buy it!

While we were in town running errands we also snapped a photo for Sarcastic Mom of the rain barrel for sale here in our town, if she likes it we will buy it on her behalf and send it to her…

She will pay for it of course, I just thought it would be nice to offer. I know how hard these things are to find! We got ours for $125.00 off a web-store after looking locally for over a year.

That is all I have for updates today! I am getting hungry so I think I’ll go make some breakfast now!

<p>A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.<br /> Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.</p>

0 thoughts on “Killer allergies and some yard sale progress…

  1. I love rain barrels! TGH and I had two but realized for our size garden, that one is plenty. So we just sold our second one off to my sister in law at a “used” price. Sounds like you are making progress over there regarding yard selling and stuff. Never a dull moment for you, Talina! Don’t forget to rest a bit when you can.

    Teenis last blog post..Comments – Outgoing

  2. I’m hiding indoors because we’re surrounded in cotton from cottonwood trees and I can hardly breathe. Another 2-3 weeks to go!
    We just found out it’s not really “legal” to collect rain water in our city, due to the need for it to go back into the worldly cycle. Really weird if you ask me, but I’ll probably continue to collect whatever I can.

    Hyphen Mamas last blog post..Corn Flakes?

  3. Be sure to find rain barrels which offer mesh mosquito guards, and also look for barrels which have overflow valves-allowing the excess water to flow out of the rain barrels and away from your foundation. Hooking a drip hose to this valve is a great way to give your garden or flower bed a constant source of moisture.

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